Seer Technology

With the launch of AccuSense from SEER Technology, first responders now have the ability to detect and identify multiple unknown chemicals and concentrations in a field deployable unit with only one button operation. It’s like taking an entire gas chromatograph laboratory with you to the field. Because AccuSense does not require inert gas as a reference like so many other chemical detection systems, it is perfect for continuous monitoring applications such as in commercial industrial and environmental situations. SEER is focused on delivering products which will identify threats and help protect personnel from harm in first responder situations. Five basic attributes have guided the development of the SEER products: (1) Low Cost (2) High Performance (3) Portability (4) Ease of use (5) Accuracy and reliability. These attributes will allow SEER products to be available and used by a broad customer base. But we know that ultimately our business is helping to save lives. Our goal is to provide solutions for those putting their lives on the line each day to enable them to return safely home to their families.